Miklos Kerekes

He was born in 1988 in Budapest. He completed his Bachelor’s degree at Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Assyriology and Hebrew Studies with his thesis titled Cutha and Borsippa in the Seleucid Era. He completed his Master’s degree at the same university and department with his thesis titled The Neo-Assyrian Governor: Guzana, Management of a Province. From 2013 he started his PhD studies with Turkish State Scholarship at Istanbul University, Department of Ancient History and received his PhD with his thesis titled The Neo-Assyrian Provincial System of Anatolia in 2021. In 2017 he spent an academic semester in Vienna at the University of Vienna with Erasmus Student Exchange Program. He has participated in national and international conferences with papers presented in Hungarian, English and Turkish languages, in Budapest, Innsbruck, Paris and Istanbul. His publications are also available in these languages.